One of my FAVORITE photos!

One of my FAVORITE photos!
This adorable family used this photo for their Holdiay cards last year. So cute!
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So, I FINALLY did it!

I started a blog....where should I start?

I'm a stay at home mom with three kids under age 7! I carpool, schedule play dates, try to keep up with the laundry (yeah, right!), trip on LEGOS, drink way too much coffee.... and I make CUSTOM birthday shirts for kids! I also make other unique appliqued shirts so be sure to check out my Etsy shop! While you're there make sure to sign up for my mailing list and while you're at it you might as well "like" my fb page too...that's where I announce most of my SALES and special promotions!

I struggle daily with my "regular" life and my "Etsy" life.... who knew it would be so hard to sew while juggling my three kids and our hectic lifestyle?!? I started this Etsy adventure as a hobby and now it has turned into a full-blown job. I sew, go to the post office, sew, drink coffee, get the idea.

I NEVER, EVER, EVER thought working from home would be sooo difficult...the guilt, the mess, the attempt at finding balance. There are just not enough hours in the day for me! It's after 10pm so I guess I should go to bed...I have to wake up tomorrow around 6am (yep, you read that right....our kids get up that early EVERYDAY, yes....even on the weekends!) Tomorrow is another day of dropping off kids, finishing homework, catching up on orders, the list goes on and on.

Well, that's it for my husband would say "I'm knackered" to bed. See you tomorrow!


  1. I ordered one of your shirts for my son's 4th birthday and I LOVE it!! He's wearing it again tomorrow for his preschool birthday celebration. Thanks for making such adorable shirts!

  2. Yay! You are my first follower! I was very nervous starting this's like a flashback to middle school: Is anyone going to pick me for their team? Oh, the rejection....LOL!

  3. I pick you sissy! I love your shirts. You inspire me to be crafty...if only I could work up the courage to clean /organize my craft closet! I love you!

  4. Carrie! Love ya! When you find the time and courage to organize please send some to me! Here I am in the computer when I should be working!

  5. Love this! Welcome to the blogging world --- I've only been blogging for 8 weeks over at and I had no idea the awesome community that was out there! Thanks for sharing and look forward to reading your updates!
